Stenlake Publishing - Trolleybuses – Glasgow’s Silent Service

Trolleybuses – Glasgows Silent Service

Author : Hugh Dougherty
ISBN : 9781840339826
Cover : paperback
Price : £12.95

Hugh Dougherty is that rare beast, a transport writer who understands his subject deeply, historically and technically. As a 15-year-old passenger, his quick wits saved a trolleybus from dewiring, but you’ll need to read the book for the rest of that story! The book is full of trolleybus facts and figures and mode of operation for sure, but it’s full of human interest and Glasgow personalities also. And Hugh, too. It’s the trolleybus story told by someone who was a far from passive schoolboy passenger, maybe a wee bit obsessed with the trolleybuses (?), who cadged a look around Hampden Garage, then on another visit got to drive one around the depot, then return home with some trolleybus souvenirs! By this time, Glasgow Corporation had announced that trolleybus operation would cease in May 1967.

Although small in extent in some ways this is the ultimate Glasgow trolleybus book with their story being told in a very personal way by the author, who also took most of the photographs illustrated (except the tow he is in!).

48 pages, 41 illustrations

OUT OF STOCK—This title is being reprinted; all orders should be fulfilled within a couple of weeks of 11/10/24.

Trolleybuses – Glasgows Silent Service

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