Stenlake Publishing - Bygone Old Aberdeen and King Street

Bygone Old Aberdeen and King Street

Author : Patricia Newman
ISBN : 9781840339437
Cover : paperback
Price : £11.95

The odd-looking title comes about because there is a district of Aberdeen called Old Aberdeen, so-called because it was a Burgh of Barony from 1489 until being incorporated into the Royal Burgh of Aberdeen in 1891. If you’re confused, the book explains all, describing how the old medieval town of Aberdeen was superseded by a grand town development plan that resulted in King Street and Union Street and, happily, by diverting the traffic saved many historic buildings that would otherwise have gone for that favourite of councils everywhere, road-widening. The book starts at the College Bounds of King’s College and its various buildings, then goes up High Street before dealing extensively with St Machar’s Cathedral. It continues up King Street to the tram depot and then on to the Bridge of Don, all accompanied by lengthy and detailed captions.

Bygone Old Aberdeen and King Street
£11.95  O.O.P.
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