Author : Bernard Byrom ISBN : 9781840338072 Cover : paperback Price : £11.95
Much loved and frequented by visitors to the Scottish Highlands, Oban is visited for its own charms and as a base to explore the hinterland and islands like Mull and Iona, easily reached by ferry. It being many years since we published Michael Hopkin’s Old Oban and Chris Uncles&rsquo larger book on the area, we felt it was time to produce a new book on the town with a completely different set of old photographs collated and written up by a different author. The low-hanging fruit of more often seen old photos long-gone for t he other books, the selection here is more quirky and unusual and surely thus more interesting. The inside cover shows a stunning panorama of the town pre-1880. Other subjects include the Queen’s Hotel on fire, Carnival Day with a parade of bullnose motor cars, photographer Scrivens’ studio, churches, an art deco style Marine Hotel, fishing industry, the Northern Lighthouse Board’s helicopter, Burrows ship-yard on fire, the 1970s glass factory and more.