Stenlake Publishing - Old Tuxford and Laxton

Old Tuxford and Laxton

Author : David Ottewell
ISBN : 9781840333251
Cover : paperback
Price : £7.99

Picturesque Tuxford, historically important as a staging post on the Great North Road, is seen during Edwardian days when horses and carts were the dominant mode of transport, with only the odd lorry and occasional car on the quiet streets. Eldon Street, Newcastle Street, the Excelda Cafe, the market place, the Newcastle Arms, Markham Moor Inn, Lincoln Street and Ashvale all feature, along with an interesting postcard of 'The Hell', a grotto created by eccentric R. S. Wilson of Tuxford Hall. Pictures of leafy Laxton show the village when its roads were still unsurfaced and it was safe for children to line up across the main street for a photograph. In another view livestock is seen grazing on the grass verges beside the road, reminiscent of a picture taken in Tuxford showing a flock of sheep being herded down Eldon Street

Old Tuxford and Laxton

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