Stenlake Publishing - Old Kelso

Old Kelso

Author : John Griffiths
ISBN : 9781840335071
Cover : paperback
Price : £7.99

Situated less than five miles from the border with England, Kelso has had a lively history since the Scottish King David established a monastery there in 1128. It survived damage during the ‘rough wooing’ of 1545 when it was stormed by English troops and suffered two major fires during the seventeenth century. The abbey was dissolved in 1559 and much of its land, including the town of Kelso, was acquired by the Ker family, under whose patronage the region has prospered. Today it is a pleasant, thriving tourist area. This collection of photographs from the late 19th and early 20th centuries provide a glimpse of the architectural riches to be found amongst the rolling agricultural countryside, such as Floors Castle, Springwood Park, the art deco Kelso High School, built in 1936, Makerstoun House and Kelso Town Hall.

Old Kelso

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