Stenlake Publishing - Old Hawick

Old Hawick

Author : Alex F Young
ISBN : 9781840332957
Cover : paperback
Price : £13.95

Dating from the thirteenth century, Hawick has a proud history as a market town and the centre of the Borders' textile industry. It is also home to the Common Riding, the traditions of which date back to the early sixteenth century. All of these aspects of the town's past are featured in this book, which contains over 180 period photographs, many never published before. Long-gone sights include Andrew Oliver's auction mart, the opening of the old swimming baths, the railway station, the Auld Mid Raw, Buffalo Bill's Circus, and there is a special section devoted to the Common Riding. There are pages of photographs of the town's various bands, organisations, sporting clubs, and many of the community events that have been held over the decades (including the unveiling of the Horse memorial and the roller skating carnival of 1917!). The communities surrounding Hawick are also featured, including: Adderstonshiels, Appletreehall, Ashkirk, Bedrule, Bonchester Bridge, Chesters, Denholm, Hobkirk, Minto, Mosspaul, Roberton, Stobs and Teviothead.

Old Hawick

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