Stenlake Publishing - 1000 Years of Scottish Churches: Early nineteenth century churches:1800 to the Disruption of the Church of Scotland in 1843
1000 Years of Scottish Churches: Early nineteenth century churches:1800 to the Disruption of the Church of Scotland in 1843
Author : John R Hume ISBN : 9781840338133 Cover : paperback Price : £10.95
The author is former Chief Inspector of Historic Buildings at Historic Scotland, academic and author of many books on Scottish architecture and industrial history published over the last decade. Furthermore, he was and is a photographer par excellence and he has been recording buildings and structures and industrial archaeology since the 1960s. This series of six volumes using his own photographs, in black and white and in colour, evolved from a lecture given in 2014 for the Scotland’s Churches Trust. Apart from ‘a handful’ that ‘ought to be here’ this is a personal selection of churches that the author describes as having ‘a particular meaning to me’ and as a ‘love-letter to the Church Universal’. Of course these words are deceptive in the nicest possible way as the author is possibly the most humble expert extant. These books do so much more than he implies and are arranged chronologically and by epoch. The six books combined comprise of 576 photographs in total.
The third of this series of six volumes deals with another busy period of church-building and more schisms in the Presbyterian church, so much so that the nineteenth century occupies three volumes of the series. Immigration from England and Ireland, population growth and movements propelled the building of churches as towns and villages grew. Churches themselves needed to be bigger buildings. This period saw the Gothic style becoming fashionable. Again this volume shows a great selection of churches from across Scotland, all from the author’s own photographs and each accompanied by captions detailing the background to their being built and other interesting features.
1000 Years of Scottish Churches: Early nineteenth century churches:1800 to the Disruption of the Church of Scotland in 1843