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Hovercraft – The Story of a Very British Invention
Author : Arthur W. J. G. Ord-Hume
ISBN : 9781840337389
Cover : paperback
Price : £21.95
ISBN : 9781840337389
Cover : paperback
Price : £21.95
One senses that author Arthur Ord-Hume feels a kindred spirit with Sir Christopher Cockerell, inventor of the hovercraft, when he describes it as a very British invention meaning, as he woefully describes it, that “its inventor was largely ignored in his lifetime” and his invention as “almost forgotten”. The whole story has a familiar ring to it with the product going to be the future of our transport needs to a curiosity used for fun or for such specialised uses they are mainly out of the public eye. Arthur writes engagingly and tells the stories of the technical development alongside the human ones, but this is a book that mainly looks back at the heyday of the hovercraft and as such should bring back memories for those of a certain age.
Hovercraft – The Story of a Very British Invention